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Sexual harassment > Who to speak to?

If you are a victim (or a witness) of sexual harassment

You can contact :
 a human resource representative in your company, if there is one
 a specialised association, whose goal is to combat discrimination based on sex or morals (see resource pages, French only)
a work inspector who can file a complaint if he observes a discriminatory act. Contact the DDTEFP (Direction Départementale du Travail, de l'Emploi et de la Formation Professionnelle) in your department.

You can file a criminal complaint

You can bring the dispute before :
the Conciliation Board (conseil des prud'hommes) competent for a dispute with your employer concerning the execution or the termination of your work contract (ex. refusal of a promotion, unlawful termination)
the District Court (tribunal de grande instance), who due to its correctional responsabilities, can pronounce penal sanctions against the employer, or against the person who abused his authority. Le tribunal de grande instance is also competent concerning acts of sexual harassment intervening during recruitment or acts in which a client of the company is the author. You must have an attorney file before the tribunal de grande instance. If you wish to be rewarded damages to compensate you for the harm you suffered, you must file civil charges.

A trade union or an association can act on your behalf

By giving your written agreement to a
trade union, the union can bring a case before the Conciliation Board (conseil des prud'hommes) and, eventually,
file a civil complaint (on its behalf however,
not yours) before a criminal judge
An association which has existed for a minimum of 5 years by the date of the discriminatory act
and whose object is to combat discrimination based on sex or morals
can act before the penal jurisdiction
if the association has your written agreement.
The association can also file a civil complaint
(on its behalf, as well).

Proof ...

In all cases, the judge will evaluate the reality and the seriousness of the acts in view of the proof that you supply. It is also very important to supply any elements that will be useful in convincing the judge : documents, witness statements, etc.

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