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Homosexuals > Lesbians and violence

Lesbians and domestic violence

Domestic violence, in all its forms (visit the section of this website dedicated to this question here), is most commonly practiced by men against women: it is an undeniable statistic.
However, women are (obviously) also capable of mistreatment and physical as well as psychological, verbal, emotional, and economic violence... These forms of violence are very varied, they can be committed against one's own children (absence of healthcare, mistreatment, being a party to incest, etc.) as well as on people in their family circle and friends and, of course within their couple.
The homosexual partner (unfortunately) doesn't escape this phenomenon, even if it remains little known because this type of violence is too rarely denounced and prosecuted.

Homophobia and prejudice

To all of the different forms of violence that women are subjected to, there is another form of violence that specifically homosexuals suffer from: homophobia.
The prejudice which stems from homophobia considerably harms lesbian victims of violence within their couple because these women have a very difficult time having their story heard and their situation recognized.
Nevertheless, the distress and the suffering of these victims, as well as the consequences, are as serious as in heterosexual couples, even more so when one or the other woman, or both, have children, which is far from being exceptional.

The girl with gloves, Tamara de Lempicka


If you are the victim of violence
within your couple
and you don't know
who to speak to about it,
please contact us.


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