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Abortion > The steps to take


All the people you will meet during this process, alone or in a couple, are required to maintain a professional secret (art. 226.13 of the New Penal Code).

This process happens in 3 phases:
1. first medical consultation and reflection period;
2. counseling;
3. second medical consultation before the intervention itself.

1. First medical consultation and reflection period

An abortion is a medical act. Request an abortion from the doctor of your choice. He will explain:

 the steps to take
the different abortion methods and the possible complications. He will give you a guidebook and the addresses of places which propose counseling and also of the abortion clinics adapted to your choice.

The doctor is not required to follow up with your request or to perform the abortion (moral conviction) but he must inform you of this during the first consultation. In this case, you should immediately consult another doctor so as not to lose time.

[If you have a problem, don't hesitate to contact your local French Family Planning Movement (association locale du Mouvement Français pour le Planning Familial) as quickly as possible whose contact information you will find here]

You then have a one-week required waiting period of reflection.

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2. Counseling

During this one-week required waiting period, you can benefit from free counseling (adult women). It will take place in a family advice or consultation information center, a family planning center, a social service or another approved organism.

The addresses will be in the guidebook given by your doctor.

The goal of this interview is to allow you to freely express yourself with a person who will give you all the necessary information about the different possibilities available to you, will listen to you and help you with the greatest respect for your final decision.

Don't hesitate to talk about all the difficulties you have had.

If you are a minor, this interview is required: at the end of the appointment, you should receive a dated attestation of the interview.

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3. Second medical consultation before the intervention itself

If your final decision is made (choice of an abortion), you will confirm it in writing to your doctor. Attention, you must respect certain deadlines imposed by law: this should be done at least one week after your first medical consultation and at least two days after the counseling session.

The doctor will give you a certificate meant for the center that will perform the intervention (hospital or clinic). Most often, this second consultation takes place in the center where the abortion will be performed. In this case the certificate is unnecessary.

In the case where you risk going over the 12-week term, the doctor can decide to reduce this period.

This consultation can also be the moment to evaluate your medical situation. If you have health concerns, in particular about sexually transmitted diseases and AIDS, talk about it to your doctor who can prescribe additional tests.

The steps explained above apply to all forms of abortion.

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