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violence conjugale
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You are a victim of violence
within your couple …

You feel devalued or humiliated, he has sexual relations with you even though you don't want to, he has convinced you that you are good for nothing or responsible for what is happening, he controls everything you do, he has jealous outbursts, he hits you then he regrets it and asks your forgiveness and to start from scratch …

© Yves Lambert

The scenes of domestic violence are varied, they have a thousand faces: perhaps none that are described in this section of the website is exactly identical to your situation … That doesn't mean you suffer any less, sometimes since a very long time … these pages are for you.

The violence has multiple forms
Do you have the profile?
A high psychological and family cost
The cycles of violence
Separation: aspects of civil law
Violence: aspects of penal law
Domestic Violence: the statistics
The situation of immigrant women
My neighbor is a victim of violence
The addresses you must know

Model of a statement * legal testimony
Model of a certif. * voluntary assault

This section of the website owes a lot to the documents published by the Women's Rights Service (Service des Droits des Femmes)

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