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Prostitution >
The legal aspect in France
Sex and remuneration
first thing to do is propose a definition. In other words, what is prostitution
and what is a prostitute? Legally, the system of prostitution is defined
by a decree dated November 5, 1947: the activity of a person who
habitually consents to sexual relations with an indeterminate number
of individuals for remuneration. The term "remuneration"
is very general: money but also valuable objects or even services.
Use of one's Body
legal principle on which the law concerning prostitution lies is the
right to use one's body as one sees fit: this freedom goes as far
as to use one's body for lucrative ends, a principle which is an exception
to the unavailability of the human body, in other words the ban
on selling one's blood, an organ, etc with the exception of selling
one's hair.
Also, the right to prostitute oneself is a given because the
right to have sexual relations is within the notion of the right to
respect an individual's privacy. Therefore, prostitution is not in itself
an offense. However, the right to prostitute oneself has its limits,
especially as a result of the law dated April 13, 1946.
The Closing of Brothels
law dated April 13, 1946, better known as the Marthe Richard law
from the name of this Member of Parliament, well-known in public opinion
for her combat against houses "of tolerance" (brothels).
Initially, this law closed all these houses and afterward, repealed
the regulatory arrangements which were the basis of the previous
system (the existence of brothels but also the registration and enrollment
of prostitutes in a record book eventually leading prostitutes to be
deprived of freedoms by a simple administrative decision…).
This law had at least two legal consequences: first, it considerably
amplified the State's control of prostitution; and secondly, de
facto, from then on it authorized the practice of prostitution
in places other than brothels, most noticeably in the streets.
Nevertheless, these changes had their own limits, especially from the
point of view of local enforcement, as the law established a medical-social
listing, but this would be done away with in 1960 to carry out an international
convention of 1949.
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of prostitution
the freedom to prostitute oneself anywhere, the general police authorities
can, in the guise of anti-loitering, control the comings and goings
of prostitutes on public passages, but the control cannot result
in a general and absolute ban (Court of Appeals. 01.02.56).
These bans may only be applied to certain places (near schools for example)
or certain times. Finally, these penal sanctions primarily repress
solicitation and procuring.
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A decree
dated November 25, 1960 defines solicitation as the following: a displayed
attitude on a public passage with intent to cause debauchery. Based
on this text, several tens of thousands of fines were written
each year. An arrangement as imprecise as it was arbitrary:
the simple presence of the prostitute in the street was sometimes sanctioned.
The new Penal Code (1993) only retained the notion of active
solicitation: the act by any means of publicly soliciting someone with
the express goal of inciting sexual relations is punished by a fine
meant for 5th class tickets, meaning 10.000 F and 20.000 F in the case
of recidivism. But the Domestic Security Law dated January 21, 2003
radically changed the rules of the game ...
Read below.
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the Use of Fines …
In general,
fines given to prostitutes (solicitation but also public disturbance
or any other motive …) were always aimed at identifying and reporting
on the state of the prostitute population and constituted another
means of diverting the ban on listing prostitutes.
This being the case, this highly questionable "method" tends
to regress, especially due to new forms of prostitution less
"visible" than street prostitution: classified ads, "veiled"
ads in the press, remote processing servers, internet …
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commonly known as pimping, is defined as the exploitation of a prostitute
by a third party. Several international conventions address this
subject: on the repression of white slavery (1910), on the trafficking
of women and children (1921), on the trafficking of adult women (1933),
and one dated December 2, 1949 (cited above) that France did not ratify
until 1960, the New York convention for the repression of the trafficking
of human beings and the exploitation of prostituting a third party.
Its article 6 provides that each of the parties agrees to take all
necessary measures to appeal or abolish any law, any regulation, or
any administrative practice in which any person involved in prostitution
or suspected of being involved in prostitution must register themselves
in special record books, possess special papers or conform to exceptional
surveillance conditions or a statement.
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not only the exploitation of a person prostituted by a third party which
can be considered as procuring but also any form of assistance given
toward prostitution, for example the act of a hotel owner renting
to a prostitute for the purpose of meeting clients or helping to launder
money from prostitution. A simple tolerance could have been assimilated
to procuring, for example the act of a restaurant owner allowing prostitutes
on the terrace of his restaurant (Court of Appeals, 1973); the act of
a hairdresser putting his salon at the disposal of prostitutes during
a police raid (Court of Appeals, 1971); the act of a husband who is
a prisoner of war receiving money from his wife who had been working
for a short time in a brothel (Court of Appeals, 1944).
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Julot Casse-Croûte to the State Income Tax Service …
1993, simple cohabitation with a prostitute was considered to
be procuring. This arrangement was repealed by the New
Penal Code: in fact, it forbade prostitutes to have a normal private
life, which is in contradiction with the principle of the right
to respect people's private lives.
Nevertheless, still today, cohabitation may be sanctioned if
the household doesn't have other revenue except those from prostitution
or if the lifestyle doesn't correspond to the official recorded revenues
not received from prostitution.
The only authorized exploitation of prostitution is the exploitation
by the State Income Tax Service (fisc). In fact, the fisc
considers prostitution as a profession from which revenue must be
declared in the category of non-commercial profits (a well
known refrain: the State is the biggest pimp …). In doing this, the
fisc recognizes prostitutes as economic agents.
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and confusion
In French
affirmative law (that which is not forbidden is authorized),
this total ban on procuring, meaning not only the ban on exploiting
the prostitute but also all arrangements stemming from case-law,
seems to be contradictory with the freedom to prostitute oneself.
The existence of procuring is a priori difficult to disassociate from
prostitution, in any case as long as the notion itself of procuring
generates such a large variety of definitions and, therefore,
confusion. In fact, will be considered as a procurer (notion
of exploitation) a man who forces a woman by threat, violence,
deception or any other means to have sexual relations for money
with other men. But the notion of "all assistance given to prostitution"
has also led to justice, for example, the condemnation for procuring
of a woman who kept watch and assured security while another woman worked.
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As a
result, prostitutes remain under State control, in this case from agents
which are partly the fisc, and partly penal sanctions which can
strike solicitation and procuring "under all its legal forms."
Also, the relative liberalism of the 1946 law could not have modified
previous police behavior in in regard to prostitutes, except in an extremely
limited way.
Even though, though since 1945 prostitutes can file a civil complaint
(most notably in cases against their pimp), even though this possibility
has also been recognized by associations acknowledged as a public service,
the situation of prostitutes remains difficult to the point that in
1975, it led to organized movements demanding an improvement of their
social status. The government then decided to do a comprehensive study
of this question, which resulted in the (Guy) Pinot Report but
this report, which among other things recommended the decriminalization
of solicitation without efficiency in the fight against procuring, ended
with no resulting effect.
At that time, the Minister in charge of Women's Rights declared that
the State would make a renewed effort in the fight against prostitution
with additional means. The fisc should show itself to be more
understanding and female inspectors should be assigned to police stations.
(La prostitution, Le Monde, files and documents
n°71, May 1980).
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of the SPRS
No. 60-1246 dated November 25, 1960 cancels all arrangements in health
matters and provides for the creation of a specialized social service
in each department: the famous SPRS or Service for Prevention and Social
Reinsertion. In all, only about twenty will be set up. Today, they have
almost all disappeared.
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Abolitionist System
In April
1997, during the Conference of the Hague, the Juppé government
reaffirmed France's strictly abolitionist position and declared :
" France has made heard its position, significantly different
from that expressed by the Netherlands, on the one hand because we consider
all forms of prostitution as violence against the concerned persons
and that there cannot be voluntary prostitution, knowing also that procuring
is, in itself, repressed in French law ; and also, because the scope
of Dutch prostitution is limited to the fight against the treatment
of women, even though, if women are undeniably affected by this phenomenon,
it is just as true that today, the problems of violence and trafficking
concern more and more men and children ".
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the clients?
policy of the fight against prostitution that France and all of its
governments have led since 1946 has never led France to take the slightest
measure which concerns the clients of prostitutes ... until the law
dated March 4, 2002: repressive measures were then taken in regard to
clients of prostitutes younger than 15 years old, clients who could
from then on be prosecuted. (Another legislative disposition permits
prosecution in France of the clients of minor prostitutes abroad since
... 1994.)
30, 1997, the Minister of Employment and Social Affairs wrote to Regional
and Departmental Prefects: "It is important that France reaffirms
its principles and its policy faced with the attempts in Europe to impose
a return to a regulatory government, which consists of recognizing prostitution
as one activity among others, even if it means framing it with a specific
status. Concerning France, it defends an "abolitionist" position,
so named because it abolishes all rules likely to legalize prostitution
in a way to allow, by an adapted policy, to envision its disappearance.
(…) In fact, the French position will be particularly credible and our
legislation will understood domestically, If its social sector is neglected.
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law on Domestic Security
January 21, 2003, assemblymen adopted the text proposed by Interior
Minister, Nicolas Sarkozy. This law created a passive solicitation
misdemeanor, with a maximum 2-month prison sentence and 3.750
fine for the act of solicitation which extends to "all persons
who make available prostitutes in vehicles, the same sentences will
apply as in hotel-based prostitution". They also adopted a government
amendment which planned for the placing of prostitutes in "common
law shelters in order to ease their re-insertion ."
As well,
a provision was also created for the incrimination of "trafficking
in human beings" punishable by 7 years imprisonment and a 150.000
fine (10 years and 1,5 million if the victim is a minor
or vulnerable; 20 years and 3 million if the offense is committed
by organized gangs; life imprisonment and 4,5 million in the
case of torture and barbaric acts).
The law on Domestic Security has been applicable (application decree)
since March 2003.
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